Thursday, July 2, 1998

Willa 7/2/98

        I haven't felt well for the past couple of days, so it's been kind of quiet. I can't even remember what I did this morning. Slept, I guess. Yeah--I got up around 9:00 or so, downloaded and read email, had a bagel and some juice, then crawled back into bed for awhile while Bob went out to the bank and to the golf course to turn in his score from yesterday. I eventually got up around 11:00 so that I wouldn't still be in bed when his friend came to pick him up at 11:30, showered, dressed in an extremely obnoxious outfit (yellow shorts and orange t-shirt) which I eventually changed out of (still wearing the yellow shorts, but have changed to a blue t-shirt), finished Bridget Jones's Diary, and actually cooked something for my lunch. I had a frozen tuna casserole and stir-fried some asparagus, which was actually very good.

        And since then I've been playing/working in Bryce.

        And oh, yes, the toilet overflowed.

        I've been tearing my hair out tonight over some JavaScript. Just the rollover scripts again, but there are so many variables that it seems something always gets screwed up in transferring it from one page to another, then it takes forever to figure out what the problem is. I decided to take the scripts off of the regular entry pages because it seemed to complicate things so much. I wanted to use them somewhere, though, so I put rollover buttons on the journal index page and the bio page, so far. And I keep forgetting to say there's a new bio, sort of. There's not much there yet, but I intend to expand it as I go along. I still need to go through and update quite a few pages with the new design. I've just been updating them with the new graphics as I have other reasons to update them.

        Bob went out to the casino tonight with his dad. When his dad came by to pick him up, he came in and he told me, "You know you're always invited, too." I might go sometime, in fact we are going next week with a group of people that Bob works with, but it doesn't really hold a lot of appeal for me. I took myself out for Mexican food, then wandered around the discount department stores for awhile. I was sort of half-heartedly looking for new golf shirts for Bob, but didn't find anything that looked nice and was the right size. I also looked at some lovely floaty cotton nightgowns at one of the stores. I love nightgowns, but I seldom wear them, so I can no longer justify buying them. But I looked at them anyway.

        I ended up buying some towels off the clearance table--some very nice, thick jade green ones marked down to $5.00 for the bath towels and $3.00 for hand towels. I often find beautiful towels on the clearance shelves, but they usually don't have the matching hand towels or washcloths--it's like they stick them on clearance once you can no longer make a full set. I don't know why these were marked down, but I was glad they were. With Bob playing so much golf, and it being so hot, he's been showering more, and we've been using more towels. And they don't dry out as well in the summer, so I've been washing them more. In fact, I've probably done a load of laundry practically every day I've been off this summer. One reason is that it's something that I can do easily, it doesn't take a lot of effort, and Bob is very appreciative of it.

        Talking about laundry made me remember something that we talked about at my folks' over the weekend. We were talking about appliances and I said that we hadn't had to replace many of ours since we'd moved into the house, just the hot water heater and the clothes dryer. And I remarked that Bob had picked out the dryer and I didn't like it, that next time I wanted some input into the design. Mom asked me why I didn't like it, and I said, well, the door opens down rather than to the side, and she said, "Mine's like that. I like it," and I said, "and the link filter is on the top of the machine," and she said, "Mine is, too. I like that, too."

        I don't remember if she told me why she liked the lint filter; I dislike it because I forget to check it and because when you pull out the filter it gets lint all over the clothes that I invariably have stacked on top of the dryer. My old dryer had the filter in the door, so I saw it every time I opened it.

        She likes the door that opens down because she uses it as a shelf to fold clothes on as she takes them out. I just find it awkward to bend over it and pull things out. But it just points up the fact that everyone has their own opinions, everyone has certain likes and dislikes, and that there's something for everyone.

Copyright © 1998 Willa G. Cline